KRIT Motor Car Company Swastika & S-letters for “socialism” under Nazis – National Socialist German Workers Party

Krit Motor cars are part of the story of how Americans popularized swastikas and nazi salutes worldwide.

Did nazis adopt the swastika and nazi salutes from American national socialists?

The swastika was on American cars (e.g. the Krit Motor Car Company of Detroit, Michigan from 1909 to 1915) years before it was associated with German cars and the Volkswagen VW.

Earlier, the use of the swastika by American national socialists began with Edward Bellamy (in 1888 or before).

Edward Bellamy was the cousin and cohort of Francis Bellamy, author of the “Pledge of Allegiance” (PoA), the origin of the stiff-armed salute in 1892.