Tampa Tribune Newspaper defunct. [Bay area cheers!]. Daniel Ruth labeled a “Dork, anti-free market statist, $#%!&, Dummkopf, liberal, daffy, dolt, stupid, dunce and, oh by the way, socialist.”

The Tampa Tribune Newspaper is dead and this blog is happy to have achieved this blog’s top goal in killing the Tampa Tribune Newspaper. This blog also thanks the Pointer Institute for Media Studies for helping this blog, along with with the Dead Writers Club (DWC – an author’s group).

The Pointer Institute provides remedial education to journalists about history, economics, government, and more.  They un-tangle those twelve years of brainwashing that cripples news reporters.  The DWC also fights media incompetency and dishonesty and toward that goal it joined with the Pointer Institute and with this blog in 2016 to shut down the Tampa Tribune Newspaper.

We apologize to all the people who did not make the party celebrating the Tribune’s demise.  It was a blow out of local luminaries.

The goal of both Tampa Bay area newspapers has always been to expand the existing socialist police state.  They do so by keeping their readers ignorant.  That is another reason why so many local groups and people worked together to put the Tribune out of business.  The Tampa Bay Times is not doing well either.

The Tampa Bay Times Newspaper (TBT) covers up the National Socialist German Workers Party and the origin of its dogma, symbols, and rituals. Perhaps that is because the TBT building is adorned with swastikas and a huge U.S. flag put on a pole out front every day.

Walter Duranty won a Pulitzer Prize covering up for socialists at the New York Times (NYT).  TBT follows Duranty’s prize-winning strategy.  TBT is upset about recent talk of a Pulitzer Prize (that will NOT go to TBT) for exposing socialism and the Pledge of Allegiance as the origin of Nazi salutes and Nazi behavior.

Daniel “LaRouche” Ruth helped kill the Tribune during his time working for the fish wrapper. After LaRouche was fired by the Tampa Tribune, TBT hired him.  TBT did so despite his history of Nazi-style name-calling.  After LaRouche’s loss in a public debate challenge the local response against the crackpot was so great that LaRouche said he was labeled a “Dork, anti-free market statist, $#%!&, Dummkopf, liberal, daffy, dolt, stupid, dunce and, oh by the way, socialist.”  Ruth’s nickname could be “Duranty” (instead of “LaRouche”).

Not long after the “socialist” crack, Ruth’s employer/newspaper said to the kook: “Uh, Daniel Ruth? Start packing your bags!”

On another occasion, Ruth admitted publicly that locals have labeled him “bigot, prejudiced, hateful and ignorant.”

La Ruth jokes about torture. Good Grief, LaRouche was not that delusional!

Ruth supports bleating the socialist Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and said so with his nazi-style name-calling.  It is revealing to note that the TBT hoists the flag daily in front of its swastika-decked crib; flag hag LaRouche is not out front daily to bleat his sacred flaggotry.  Bleating only takes 12 seconds a day for life, so why not, LaRuth?  LaRuth prefers the earlier gesture (he was schooled about it from Dr. Rex Curry’s historical discoveries).

TBT reinforced its masthead, “America’s Dumbest Newspaper,” when it was duped by America’s Dumbest Criminals.  Thereafter, America’s Dumbest Newspaper duped its readers (both of them).  America’s Dumbest Readers.

Daniel Ruth Tampa Bay Times

Daniel Ruth links:

Daniel Ruth Exposed Youtube channel




Daniel Ruth Tampa Tribune Flag Fetishism Nazis LaRouche

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